Marc Bescond
Research Director at CNRS-IM2NP
IIS Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo
Responsible of the EMONA Department (Elaboration and Models for Nanotechnologies)
Scientific responsible of the Communication group at IM2NP
e-mail: marc.bescond@im2np.fr
2001: Master’s Degree in “Materials science and Engineering” from INSA-National Institute of Applied Sciences (Lyon, France).
2004: PhD degree from the « Université de Provence » (now “Aix-Marseille Université”).
Thesis title: Modelling and simulation of quantum transport in nano-scaled MOSFETs.
2013: “Habilitation à diriger des recherches” (Professorial Thesis), Aix-Marseille Université (France).
From 2005 to 2007, Marc Bescond was Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics at Grenoble INP. Before attending Grenoble, he was post-doc in the Device Modelling Group at the University of Glasgow. In October 2007, he became researcher at CNRS ("chargé de recherche"). Between 2017 and 2021, he was International researcher at LIMMS/Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo. He is now Research Director at CNRS. His research interest is in the modelling of nano/opto-electronic devices, three-dimensional simulations of quantum transport using the non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism.
Editorial Board member of “Journal of Computational Electronics”
Editorial Board member of “IEEE-Transactions of Nanotechnology”
Management: coordinator of the ANR projects PRC COCONUT (2025-2028), PRC GELATO (2021-2025), P2N QUASANOVA (2011-2014) and PNANO QUANTAMONDE (2007-2010). Coordinator with Prof. M. Nomura of the CNRS-UTokyo Joint PhD project TATAMI (2024-2027). Coordinator of the AMIDEX project THERMOS (2014-2017).
Other projects: Marc Bescond was PI for IM2NP of the ANR projects SIMPSSON (2010-2013) and NOODLES (2014-2017).
Book chapter: