Michel Lannoo
Emeritus Research Director
Born on July 05, 1942, Lille (France).
e-mail: michel.lannoo@im2np.fr
1963 : Engineering degree at ISEN (Institut Supérieur d’Electronique du Nord, Lille)
1966 : Ph.D thesis at Orsay (France), supervisors: J. Friedel and G. Leman.
1969 : Doctorate thesis, Lille (France), supervisors: J. Friedel and G. Leman.
1968 : Admission to the CNRS as “Attaché de Recherche”
Sept. 1969 – sept. 1970 : “Scientifique du Contingent” in the Central Research Laboratory of Thomson (Corbeville, France)
1st January 1970 : Associate scientist (“Chargé de Recherche”) in the CNRS
1970 – 1975 : Researcher in the Laboratory of Surfaces and Interfaces in Lille
1st January 1975 : “Maître de Recherche” in the CNRS
1975 – 1979 : Head of group of Solid State Physics of the Laboratory of Surfaces and Interfaces
1st January1984 : Research Director (“Directeur de Recherche”) 2nd class in the CNRS
1st October1986 : Research Director (“Directeur de Recherche”) 1st class in the CNRS
1979–1991: Director of the Laboratory of Surfaces and Interfaces in Lille.
Professor of Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics at the ISEN.
Director of the research of the ISEN group.
1991 : Cofounder and deputy manager director of the I.E.M.N (Institut d’Electronique et Microélectronique du Nord, Lille) UMR CNRS 9929.
1997-1998 : Leader of the project Ultimatech (program of the CNRS)
1998 : Deputy manager Director of the Physical and Engineering sciences in the Ministry for National Education, Research and Technology (MENRT).
1999 : President of the ACI « Nanostructures » of the MENRT.
1st October 2000 : Research Director (“Directeur de Recherche”) exceptional class 1 of the CNRS (DRCE1)
2000 : Founder et Director of the L2MP – Laboratory of Material and Microelectronics of Provence (Universités d’Aix-Marseille I et III et de Toulon – UMR CNRS 6137)
2001 : Deputy manager Director of the SPM (Physical and Mathematical Sciences) department of the CNRS
2002 : Research Director (“Directeur de Recherche”) exceptional class 2 of the CNRS (DRCE2)
April 2003 : Director of the SPM department of the CNRS
2011 :
Main subject of research: Theoretical Physics of the Semiconductors
370 publications
several stays of 3-4 month abroad France, in particular 5 stays in the Atomic Center of Harwell (U.K) and 6 stays in the BELL Laboratories (U.S.A)
Authors of 4 scientific books in English, 2 translated in Russian.
Member of International committee of 2 series of Conferences, organizer of two of them in Paris and Lille and member of the organizing committee of several others.
60 invited presentations in international conferences, 50 invited papers in international journals.
Member, during 4 years, of the Editorial Board of Journal of Physics C, Solid State Physics (England)
Participation at 2 Conferences per year.
Co-editor of Europhysics Letters en 1997-98
Nominated Member of the Section 08 of the National Committee of the CNRS (1995-1998)