« Modeling of THERmal effects in Metal-Oxide-semiconductor nano-transistorS »
A*MIDEX funding: 135 000 €
Partners :
IM2NP UMR 7334 (Marseille) : M. Bescond (coordinator) et Y. Lee.
ETH Zurich (Suisse) : M. Luisier
It is widely recognized that quantum effects and inelastic electron scattering will be major factors affecting the integration of nanoscale transistors. Another consequence of the reduction inize is a significant increase in heat generation. The objective of the project was to efficiently handle inelastic interactions (i.e. electron-phonon, phonon-phonon) in the (numerically demanding) OMEN atomistic code of ETH Zurich using the methods developed at IM2NP. Thanks to the expertise of both partners, the electron and phonon quantum transport equations have been solved and a gain in the computational time of more than one order have been reached.