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ANR PROJECT « NOODLES » (2014-2017)

« NanOdevice mODeling for Low powEr applicationS »

ANR funding: 832 211 €

Partners :

  • IMEP-LAHC UMR 5130 (Grenoble) : M. Pala (coordinator) and A. Cresti.

  • CEA-INAC (Grenoble) : Y.M. Niquet (scientific responsible) and F. Triozon.

  • CEA-LETI (Grenoble) : S. Barraud (scientific responsible) and M.-A. Jaud.

  • IEMN UMR 8520 (Lille) : C. Delerue(scientific responsible) and E. Lampin.

  • ST Microelectronics (Crolles) : D. Rideau (scientific responsible) and C. Tavernier.

  • IM2NP UMR 7334 (Marseille) : M. Bescond (scientific responsible), N. Cavassilas L. Raymond and F. Michelini.

The nanoelectronics market is dominated by mobile applications where very low power consumption devices are required. The objective of NOODLES was to develop predictive multi-scale simulations and efficient semi-analytical models combining quantum and semi-classical approaches. These simulations were able to identify the best choice of architecture (nanowires, FinFETs, FDSOI), channel material (sSI, SiGe, III-V) and device operating principle (MOSFET, tunnel-FET) in terms of electrical performance/consumption ratio. NOODLES has successfully addressed the following problems: i) the evaluation of self-heating and hot-carrier effects, which can be particularly detrimental in nanostructures, ii) the realistic description of off-channel parasitic effects such as resistances and access capacitances, and iii) the evaluation of III-V semiconductors as alternative materials to Si in both MOSFETs and tunnel-FETs.

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