« QUANTum and Atomistic MOdeling NanoDEvices »
ANR funding: 444 840 €
Partners :
CEA-INAC (Grenoble) : Y.M. Niquet et F. Triozon.
Institut Néel UMR 5586 (Grenoble) : X. Blase.
IEMN UMR 8520 (Lille) : C. Delerue.
IMEP-LAHC UMR 5130 (Grenoble) : M. Pala.
ST Microelectronics (Crolles) : C. Tavernier et D. Rideau.
IM2NP UMR 7334 (Marseille) : M. Bescond, M. Lannoo, N. Cavassilas, et F. Michelini.
This project aimed at developing a new generation of simulation tools for quantum transport, addressing emerging problems at the atomic scale; an essential condition for the understanding of low-dimensional semiconductor devices. Based on a proven Green's function formalism, the complementary expertise of the partners, ranging from the most advanced ab initio approaches to sophisticated models of strong bonds and effective mass, has been combined to develop multi-scale 3D device simulation codes. These codes have enabled a detailed analysis of the quantum transport properties of realistic nanowire transistors obtained by top-down approaches and fabricated by CVD growth (bottom-up).